Entertainment Gaming Asia announced that its chief accounting officer, Andy Tsui, has tendered his resignation effective from September 30, 2015.
Tsui is resigning to pursue another career opportunity, the company said.
“Andy has been a valued member of our management team for more than seven years and was instrumental in building a solid finance organization,” said Clarence Chung, chairman and CEO.
Traci Mangini, EGT’s senior vice president of corporate finance, has been appointed as interim chief financial officer as of October 1.
From 2003 to 2008, Mangini was a senior equity research analyst responsible for the coverage of companies in the domestic and international gaming sector at ThinkEquity.
“We are pleased that Traci has agreed to step into the role of interim Chief Financial Officer as we continue our efforts to grow and expand our operations. Traci has more than 15 years of financial experience, including over seven years at the Company where she has worked closely with our financial statements and public disclosures,” said Chung.
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