Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - Login

Osaka government attempts to win IR support from women’s group

Last week officials of the Osaka prefectural and city governments held their first lecture event with the objective of winning the support—or at least the understanding—of a local women’s group called the Tsubomisaku Project.

Public opinion polls in Japan have consistently shown that Japanese women tend to oppose the establishment of casinos in Japan at a higher rate than Japanese men. The Osaka government therefore decided to expand its outreach specifically to a women’s group.

The concerns highlighted by members of the women’s group went beyond the usual issue of gambling addiction. They also demanded that Yumeshima be properly fortified against a large tsunami in case a large earthquake strikes off the coast, and stated that disaster preparation and medical services were necessary.

The women also pointed out that access to Yumeshima is at present rather inconvenient.

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