Thursday, May 02, 2024 - Login

Chiba mayor plays down IR plans

Mayor Toshihito Kumagai continues to signal that he is taking a passive stance on making an IR bid near Makuhari Messe on behalf of an interested consortium of local businesses.

Speaking at his June 6 press conference, he stated, “Until now we’ve avoided saying anything because there was never a concrete plan. Now that a concrete plan has been received, we are taking it seriously and would like to study it.”

Kumagai’s stance contrasts sharply with that of political leaders in places like Osaka and Wakayama, who have been driving the IR bids themselves.

The notion of building an IR in Makuhari has been around for more than five years, so it is hardly a new concept to the mayor. Kumagai as yet betrays no sense that he is genuinely interested in making an IR bid.

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