Asian bookmaker and online casino, LeTou has backed calls for professional sportsmen to receive problem gambling education and support, SBC News reports.
The Professional Players Federation and GambleAware recently came together to create a self-help tool aimed specifically at professional sportsmen. The association has urged bookmakers to ensure that sponsorship agreements with players also include a provision for mandatory education about problem gambling.
According to a PPF study, sportsmen were three times more likely to become problem gamblers.
Paul Fox, CEO of LeTou, said: “LeTou is committed to responsible gaming and works tirelessly to ensure we safeguard all who enjoy a flutter. It is imperative that all sports people are supported and educated to avoid the pitfalls that a minority encounter.
“All operators have a responsibility to support initiatives such as Responsible Gambling Week and the ‘When the Fun Stops, Stop’ campaign.
“There have also been incidences where sportspeople have breached betting regulations and it is important that they are aware of the rules.
“As well as supporting awareness campaigns, it is important that gaming companies proactively find other ways to help those in need,” he said.
“It is our job to ensure that the integrity of sport is not compromised in any way. By continuing to work together with sports organisations, clubs, federations, and gambling awareness groups, we can ensure that all sports people are provided with robust support,” he added.
Fox added that the company has been in discussion with Swansea City Football to make sure that both parties are in agreement.
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