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Tomakomai city’s hopes of reentering the Japan IR race have been dashed again as Governor Naomichi Suzuki made clear at a press conference that his earlier rejection of participating in the first round of licensing still stands.

The Tomakomai city government is still lobbying Hokkaido Governor Naomichi Suzuki to overturn his earlier verdict and to support the city’s IR devel

On November 29 of last year, Hokkaido Governor Naomichi Suzuki announced that his prefecture would not be participating in the IR race, citing the several years it would take to complete environmental preparations at the Tomakomai site. However, parts...

In what was nearly an inevitable move, the 1st Japan IR Expo in Hokkaido, scheduled to be held next week, has been cancelled by its organizers in the wake of Hokkaido Governor Naomichi Suzuki’s decision not to go forward with an IR bid at Tomakomai city.

Hokkaido Governor Naomichi Suzuki announced on Friday that his prefecture was dropping out of the race for one of the three available IR licenses, and therefore there would be no Tomakomai IR for the foreseeable future.

Hokkaido Governor Naomichi Suzuki is expected to announce on Friday that his prefecture will not be going forward with an IR bid, abruptly ending what had seemed to many the strongest IR initiative within Japanese regional markets.

The clouds darkened over the prospects for a Hokkaido IR bid this week as the main conservative caucus in the Hokkaido Prefectural Assembly proved unable to coordinate a united stance after two days of talks.

Hokkaido Governor Naomichi Suzuki is nearing his decision on whether or not to pursue an IR bid at Tomakomai city, but even conservative political forces are having difficulty uniting behind a pro-IR policy.

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